Spelthorne Museum and Spelthorne Archaeology and Local History Group
Spelthorne Archaeology and Local History Group (SALHG)
We are an active, special interest, social group formed in 2010 when Spelthorne Archaeological Field Group and the Friends of Spelthorne Museum combined.
Members enjoy the following benefits:
Previews at the Museum
Talks of local/historical interest (free entry for members)
Social events & organised trips
Quarterly Newsletters and an annual Journal
Opportunities to do local history research
SALHG is a registered Charity (No 275465) and the committee act as the Trustees of Spelthorne Museum.
The group runs regular talks:
open 7:45pm for talk at 8pm
first Thursday of the month
Jan - Apr and Sep - Nov
Staines Methodist Church
(some at Fordbridge Centre, Ashford)
See the Events and Talks page for details of planned talks and other events.
Yearly subscription is £8 single, £12 couple